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一架载有伊朗总统莱西的直升机在大雾中“硬着陆” 搜救队正赶赴现场[要闻]


张康阳称国际米兰偿债困难 俱乐部濒临易主[消费]


柳青卸任滴滴总裁成永久合伙人 继续负责人力等职能部门[科技]






“政治骗子”又被通报 官员为何屡屡入坑[要闻]



广州自来水涨价风波未平 中山公用称将积极推动水价调整[民生]


[Weekly Early Read] In-Depth: Biotechnology Faces Boom Period, China's Genetic Resource Regulation Seeks Change[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • China is reforming the regulation of human genetic resources, shifting management from the Ministry of Science and Technology to the National Health Commission, which will simplify approval processes.
  • The reforms aim to address industry concerns about regulatory inefficiencies, particularly for biomedicine research and international collaboration, and optimize administrative procedures.
  • Amid increasing scrutiny and calls for balance between protection and development, the government is consulting experts to refine rules, enhance data sharing, and encourage genetic resource utilization.



出任新职3年半 农业农村部部长唐仁健被查[要闻]


[Weekly Preview] Yungang Grottoes Protection Faces Intertwined Issues, Scholars Focus on Fundamental Research[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • Hang Kan, director of the Yungang Research Institute, announced that the reinforcement work on the unstable rock formations at Yungang Grottoes has concluded after decades, shifting focus to preventive conservation.
  • The Yungang Grottoes, carved during the Northern Wei Dynasty and later periods, have faced deterioration due to natural and human factors. Recent efforts include detailed preventive maintenance and advanced research into materials for protection.
  • The institute emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration and technological advancements in conservation while maintaining traditional techniques. Future plans involve comprehensive digital documentation and ongoing archaeological studies to support long-term preservation.

[Weekly Early Read] Chen Changhua: Addressing Growth Risks Amid Deflation[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • China's Q1 2024 real GDP grew by 5.3%, surpassing the annual target of 5%, but nominal GDP only increased by 4.2%, indicating a deflationary trend with the GDP deflator dropping by 1.1%.
  • The deflationary pressure is widespread, affecting both industrial and service sectors, with the service sector experiencing its first negative deflator since data collection began in 1993.
  • The current economic situation is characterized by insufficient demand despite strong supply growth, leading to potential risks for corporate profits, personal income, and government revenue amidst ongoing deflation.

Where Will Milei's Radical Reforms Take Argentina?[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • Javier Milei, elected in November 2023, vows to radically transform Argentina's economy amidst inflation, debt, and poverty.
  • His economic reforms, including currency devaluation and government spending cuts, have mixed outcomes: some fiscal improvement but continued high inflation and rising poverty.
  • Though facing protests and legislative challenges, Milei retains significant public support, with plans to reduce public spending and privatize state-owned enterprises.

Early Read of the Week: Can Heavy Trucks Replicate the Success of New Energy Passenger Vehicles?[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • 优链(广西)供应链投资有限公司计划在2023年将其重卡车队的新能源和传统能源车型比例提升至7:3,并已采购了首批30辆东风商用车新能源重卡,响应客户降低碳排放的需求。
  • 新能源重卡市场在中国正加速增长,2021年至2023年销量逐年攀升,政策支持和严格的碳排放标准推动了这一趋势。电动重卡是主要销售力量,而氢能重卡由于成本高仍处于推广早期。
  • 多家公司积极进入新能源重卡领域,通过创新商业模式和基础设施建设,如换电站网络,以降低购置成本并提高运营效率。尽管面临价格战和市场饱和等挑战,行业前景依然看好。


[Weekly Preview] Consumption Downgrade? The Hottest May Day Holiday Signals New Tourism Norms[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • The tourism industry saw a significant boost during the recent May Day holiday, with domestic travel reaching record highs and outbound travel recovering due to visa-free policies. However, per capita spending remained low compared to pre-pandemic levels.
  • Despite a total of 295 million domestic trips and a 13.5% increase in total spending from pre-pandemic levels, daily per capita consumption was only three-quarters of what it was before COVID-19. Issues like mispricing and supply-demand imbalances were evident.
  • Outbound tourism showed promising recovery signs, with inbound tourists increasing by nearly 99%. Visa-free policies for certain countries significantly boosted inbound tourism, although overall cross-border travel has only recovered to about 80% of pre-pandemic levels.

Four Chinese Cross-Border E-Commerce 'Dragons' Challenge Amazon[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • In 2023, China's key e-commerce platforms Temu (Pinduoduo), SHEIN, AliExpress (Alibaba), and TikTok Shop thrived internationally, leading global app download charts.
  • China's overall exports in 2023 totaled ¥23.77 trillion, a slight increase of 0.6%, while cross-border e-commerce exports surged 19.6% to ¥1.83 trillion.
  • Regulatory challenges are rising, with scrutiny on pricing, compliance, and trade practices, while platforms like Temu push aggressive growth and cost strategies, impacting traditional retail landscapes globally.

[Weekly Preview] Trillion-Yuan Ultra-Long Government Bonds to Supplement Social Financing: How Will Monetary Policy Cooperate?[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • In April 2024, China's financial data showed a significant reduction in credit and social financing due to regulatory measures aimed at curbing inefficient capital use and optimizing financial value-added accounting methods. The People's Bank of China reported a decrease in new RMB loans and social financing compared to the previous year.
  • The structure of new social financing revealed a notable decline in government bond net financing, recording negative growth for the first time in six years. This was attributed to slower issuance of government bonds and adjustments in corporate bond data classifications.
  • To address these issues, the Ministry of Finance announced plans for accelerated issuance of long-term special government bonds starting May 17, 2024. These bonds are intended to support major national strategies and key security areas, with potential implications for market liquidity and coordination with monetary policy.

[Weekly Preview] In-Depth: A New Round of U.S. Tariffs - Political Theater or the New Normal in Trade Wars?[Caixin Weekly Sneak Peek]

  • In a speech on May 14, President Biden announced the imposition of new "301 tariffs" on $18 billion worth of Chinese imports, significantly increasing tariffs on various products including steel, aluminum, semiconductors, and electric vehicles.
  • The move is part of Biden's strategy to appeal to blue-collar voters in swing states ahead of the upcoming election and to reduce dependency on Chinese manufacturing by encouraging domestic production.
  • Analysts suggest that while the immediate economic impact may be limited due to pre-existing trade measures and market expectations, the cumulative effect of these tariffs could further strain U.S.-China economic relations and potentially increase inflationary pressures in the U.S.
